Every second Saturday of each month we bring a group of volunteers at the Cornerstone Community Outreach shelter in Chicago to serve lunches and assist in the distribution of food to residents of the shelter and guests of all walk of life.
One of our volunteers gets up in the early hours to prepare trays of cookies & treats we serve at the shelter.
is now affecting many single moms and their children, as well as young families. We are determined to assist them with dignity wherever we can, and for the present time we have partnered with Cornerstone Community Outreach in Chicago to organize monthly serves of lunches for 300+ shelter residents, and a Christmas Party for 120+ children living in the shelters.
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February is an opportunity for us to assist homeless children in writing valentine cards to their moms or school friends. They also enjoy nail painting, games, arts & crafts, as well as our Valentine cookies and hot chocolate. The picture where we crack 288 eggs is from our March serve.
Our next Valentine party is February 10, 2018.